(022 3512655) to the office before 9.00 a.m.
We know there is overwhelming evidence through professional research, and our own evidence within the School, that absences have a negative impact on student learning and achievement.
Our policy is to take action where:
If a child is away for more than about seven days in a term then they will not be achieving the 85%.
We also acknowledge excellent attendance. Each Term we recognise all students who achieve a 100% attendance rate by presenting them with certificates.
We have approval from the Ministry of Education to use an electronic Attendance Register, instead of the old paper Register. This means that Teachers mark attendance/absences on a computer database via their laptop/computer. One advantage is that we can generate very specific attendance information for each child at the ‘press of a button’. Approval from the Ministry is given on condition that clear reasons are entered for absences. If parents/caregivers do not directly indicate (by phone, note, face-to-face) as to why a student is absent then the student could be classified as ‘truant’, in which case the Truancy Service could be informed. Consequently, it is very important that parents/caregivers inform us if your child is absent.
Please tell us if your child is allergic to bee or wasp stings, has asthma or any other ailment. Arrangements can be made at the office for medication to be held.
Parents are welcome to attend our assemblies which are held on most Friday afternoons at 2.30 p.m.
We are very pleased by the attitude and behaviour of most our students. To this end, we will contact parents/caregivers if we have any concerns. We would also ask parents/caregivers to contact us if you have any matters or concerns you wish to discuss. Working in partnership with you will assist us to provide the best education for your child.
We have numerous ways of recognising good behaviour from our students and place huge emphasis on positive reinforcement of good behaviour. Students can be rewarded with playground awards and go in a weekly draw for a small prize or they may be awarded with a POWER card for demonstrating one of our POWER values. These cards go into a termly draw for a larger prize. Students are also recognized through classroom certificates and principal certificates and awards at a weekly assembly.
We believe that for the safety of your student and the safety of all students, that if a child can not behave to an acceptable standard within the school grounds, they are at risk or put others at risk, if they are on an educational trip outside the school grounds. In this case, they will not attend the trip and you will be notified in advance.
Is it bullying?
When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once - That's RUDE,
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once - That's MEAN,
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it even when you tell them to stop or show them that you're upset - That's BULLYING,
Bullying is NOT acceptable.
Currently the Arise Church provide a cooked breakfast for our children every Monday and Wednesday morning from 7.40 a.m. – 8.40 a.m.
The school car park is out of bounds to children. The car park must not be used to drop-off or pick-up your child because it is dangerous.
Parents are encouraged to take part. Help is often needed, particularly in Kowhai Block.
Our policy is to have a lower number of children per teacher in their early years at school and gradually increase this number in more senior classes, as students become more independent. This is to ensure that our children get the best start at school. Each year, as numbers increase, we may have a reshuffle, usually at the start of term 3 or term 4.
Children will be initially seen in the mobile clinic which visits the school. For further treatment children will be seen at the new enlarged clinic at Naenae Intermediate.
Each term we practice an earthquake, fire and lockdown drill so children are aware of what to do in case of an emergency situation.
From time to time you will be asked to fill in an Emergency Contacts Form. Please ensure we have up-to-date records, particularly if we ever need to contact you in an emergency.
As with all schools we occasionally have head lice and nits. The School Newsletter will carry warnings of this. Please check your child’s hair regularly, and treat it immediately if needed. We have free nit solution and combs available from the school office.
Suggested treatment:
Lost property is collected and stored in the Blocks. Unclaimed property is donated to charity at the end of each term.
Students are not to have mobile phones at school. If a student must have one for after school use, they must leave it at the School Office or hand it into their teacher for safekeeping.
Money for lunch fundraisers should be in a sealed envelope, clearly named and labelled.
Children are requested not to bring other money or toys to school.
A Noticeboard is situated near the corner of the Admin Block and the quad. Please have a ‘glance’ as you come in to pick up your children. However, the Newsletter is still the primary method of communication with home.
To ensure that teachers have an uninterrupted one-hour period for each of reading, writing and mathematics, lunch is 12.25 pm – 1.25 pm. Morning tea is 10.40 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
Students can enter classrooms at 8.30 a.m. to get prepared. At 8.55 a.m. a warning bell will indicate that all students are to go to class. All students will actually start lessons by 9.00 a.m. Please would parents/caregivers ensure that your child is at school by 8.45 a.m. This will ensure that all students are ready and prepared to start work promptly at 9.00 a.m
Parents are asked to talk to teachers about their child before or after school as it can be difficult to have a meaningful conversation if the teacher is teaching a class. An appointment may be necessary.
We run a very successful Parent Tutor Reading Programme which involves parents/caregivers working with some of our senior children requiring extra tuition in their reading. Results have been outstanding. If you would like to be involved with this programme (for example: 1 ½ hours one day a week) at a time suitable to you, please contact school.
The School car park is out of bounds to children. The car park must not be used to drop-off or pick-up your child because it is dangerous.
No child is to be picked up before the 3 p.m. bell, unless a teacher or the office is informed. This especially applies to Kowhai Block children on Wednesday afternoons during their ‘choosing time’ session.
It is also important that the school is informed if an adult, not known to the class teacher or the school, is to pick up a child. We need to ensure the safety of all children.
We have a Reading Recovery Teacher on our staff, who works every morning, giving specific reading assistance to some of our younger children.
Please impress upon your child the importance of crossing where the School Patrol is, and that they must abide by the instructions of the School Patrollers.
Patrols are on duty at the Churton Crescent entrance to school from 8.30 a.m. – 8.55 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. – 3.15 p.m. daily.
Parents are asked to use these patrols with the children.
Please observe the yellow dotted lines, blue dotted lines, and don’t park too close to the crossing areas.
Our Board of Trustees kindly purchases the children’s stationery for the beginning of the year or for new entrants. You will only be asked to purchase further stationery, if your child uses up all of their books. This can be purchased at the school office for a competitive price.
We run a Study Centre on Monday – Thursday 3.00 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. Numbers are limited and preference is given to Year 5 & 6 students because of our contract with the Ministry of Education which provides the funding.
As part of our Sun Smart Policy, during summer, we expect students to wear a sunhat for their protection during break times. Subject to supply, we will issue a sunhat to any student who wants one. This will be for their use, but it must remain at school. Obviously, students can bring and use their own sunhat if they prefer.
Children are asked not to bring toys to school. Skateboards and Roller blades/Skates may be brought to school on Tuesday and Thursday.
We welcome parent help on trips.
If Parent transport is used for any trip;
Parents, please support our local businesses
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